(an excerpt)
By Jimmy Grippo
edited by
Geno Munari
(an excerpt)
By Jimmy Grippo
edited by
Geno Munari
Jimmy Grippo has been one of the most dynamic hypnotists for
more than 60 years. One might say that Jimmy Grippo was a pioneer
in his field, and a user of his own medicine. Today at 88 years
of age, one must take notice of his agility and youthful
appearance, only possible through his belief and strict use of
Jimmy Grippo is a legend around the world, having established
himself as both a qualified hypnotist, and also as a close-up
magician-entertainer, performing the last 20 years exclusively at
Caesars Palace, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kings, Queens, Presidents
and other heads of state have beckoned Jimmy Grippo to command
performances. Celebrities from the film and sports world seek
Jimmy out whenever they are in Las Vegas, to be entertained in a
manner that only Jimmy can offer.
Jimmy Grippo, before your very eyes, deliberately and slowly,
can make real magic seem to happen! His cold black eyes, seem to
lend a feeling of the supernatural. You sense that the man is
uncanny, magical, and what is the most important trait of Jimmy,
is his charm. A charm that comes along only once in a lifetime.
Hypnosis was a very mysterious subject in Jimmy's early years.
Perhaps that is the reason that he felt drawn to learn the art
very adeptly from Dr. Manero, a peasant that lived in the
mountains of a small Italian town. Manero's style was unique,
different, charming and effective. Jimmy feels that Manero
demonstrated hypnosis on a scale that was unequaled anywhere in
the world. Jimmy is grateful to Dr. Manero's teachings. Perhaps
Jimmy has learned the secret to the fountain of youth from Dr.
Manero? Manero lived to be 118 years of age, and only died after
an accident while traveling on a donkey.
Jimmy Grippo has used hypnosis both as an entertaining art and
as a healing art. He once performed the first hypnotic child
birth technique in New York. He also has helped many famous
athletes who wanted to improve in their particular sport. One
young man, Emillo Bettina, went on to become a championship boxer,
with Grippo using his special hypnotic talents, giving the young
fighter courage, confidence and concentration. Jimmy Conners, the
famous tennis superstar, has been hypnotized on many occasions by
Jimmy Grippo, as has Muhammad Ali, Shirley McLaine and many
During the Second World War, Jimmy was hired by the United
States Army and the Navy to hypnotize those who knew classified
secrets, so that if they were captured by the enemy, and even
under torture, no information could be extracted from them.
Jimmy also utilized his talents in the Special Services of the
U.S. branch of the Army during WWII, hypnotizing the American
casualties suffering from wounds as they lay on battlefields in
Italy and France. Jimmy prevented many of the men from dying.
I guess more could be said about the mysterious Jimmy Grippo,
but that would take another 200 pages. So as I write this
preface, I realize how lucky I have been to have been a personal
friend, confidant, pal and consultant to Jimmy Grippo. I thank you
You the reader, study these lessons, not only the practical
applications, but the future abstract uses that are possible
through the use of hypnosis and autosuggestion. What you possess
here in this mansucript is marvel, that could change the course of
your life!
Geno Munari
Having been devoted to the study of hypnotism for approximately
forty years, and having practiced it for the correction of bad
habits, inferiority complexes, fears, and inhibitions, as well as
for talent development, personality building, etc., for about
thirty years, I first became interested in the subject of
autosuggestion some thirty years ago. The innumerable
opportunities which this new subject offered for the application
of modern experimental procedures proved a temptation too great to
be resisted. From this interest developed a program of intensive
research which has yielded the following report. My views,
investigations and experiences are set down here. But the
findings of other researchers and experts have also been utilized
in the preparation of this course wherever possible. My chief
object has been to make these findings available to the general
Health depends materially upon the character of one's mental
states - the mind exerts a tremendous influence over the physical
states. The influence of Fear, Worry, Anger and Gloomy mental
states are actually depressing in their effect upon the functions
of the bodily organs - Hope, Faith, and Courage and Cheerfulness,
exert a positive, invigorating effect upon the physical functions.
This being the case, does it not follow that a habit of proper
autosuggestion, once acquired and practiced, the person must of
necessity resist disease, and develop a normal, healthy condition
of physical life? Proper autosuggestion comes as near to being a
universal remedy for disease, as anything ever known to man. That
is, autosuggestion accompanied by the proper ideals and mental
pictures and the manifestations in action, as described in this
Every man and woman can develop the power of determining,
controlling his or her thoughts, the power of determining what
types of thoughts he or she shall and what types he or she shall
not entertain. Our dominating thoughts determine our dominating
actions. The acts repeated, crystallize themselves into the
habit. The aggregate of habits is our character. By the thoughts
we think we create an atmosphere around us, by which other people
are influenced.
Alas, most people have not their thoughts under control. They
lack mental discipline and concentration. In order to
concentrate, we must be masters of our brain and not allow the
brain to master us. The brain must be disciplined, and must learn
the habit of obedience.
As a matter of fact, the science of autosuggestion is simply the
science of reeducation - a process designed to break up old
unhealthy complexes which disrupt the forces of the individual,
and to build up healthy complexes which adjust him to the social
world and enable him to use his energy in useful ways.
Reeducation through this method is simply a matter of learning
the truth and acting upon it. It is a process of scientific
It is by mental discipline that we prevent those diseases for
which hypnotism and suggestion are the best cures. The mental
condition of Hysteria, the Morbid Doubts and Fears of
Neurasthenia, Abnormal Impulses, Perverted Habits, and all the
other troubles for which hypnotism may be applied with success,
are largely due to the same lack of control over the powers which
constitute mind and personality.
Autosuggestion is a process of habitually repeating a selected
idea long enough for it to pass into the unconscious mind and
become a permanent source of impelling power. It depends upon
three very important degrees of mental processes:
Believe in yourself and compel others to believe in you, for
control of others demands firm control of yourself.
"Applied psychology is the hope
of the world." H.G. WELLS
This is a marvelous age in which we live. One wonder follows
another in such rapid succession that the observer of twentieth
century phenomena is appalled and bewildered at the seeming
miracles that pass like a panorama before one's vision. A few
years back the inventor of a flying machine was considered a
visionary whose dreams of aerial navigation would never come true.
Yet, today aerial navigation is a fact and the practical airship
is a living, pulsating reality.
In the realm of science the most astounding discoveries have
been made. Every branch and department of science have
marvelously shared in twentieth century development, but, perhaps,
no individual department has made such gigantic strides as that
branch of science known as psychology, which has to do with the
workings of the human mind - its attributes and its laws.
Psychology explains today with equal ease and facility the mind
workings of the criminal and the mental processes of the genius.
It takes that most fascinating of arts, that most mysterious of
forces - autosuggestion - and reduces it to facts and figures;
coldly and practically explains it, and rescues it from the
mysticism that for years has enshrouded it.
"The first of two great problems that confront us is that of our
powers; the second, that of our means of unlocking them or getting
at them. Suggestion, especially under hypnosis, is now
universally recognized as a means, exceptionally successful in
certain persons, of concentrating consciousness, and in others in
influencing their bodies' states. It throws into gear the
energies of imagination, of will, and of mental influence over
physiological processes that usually lie dormant. It is, in
short, dynamogenic, and the cheapest terms in which to deal with
our amateur. Yogi's experience is to call it - autosuggestive."
-- The late Professor William James of
Harvard University --
The mind is controlled absolutely by suggestion. If we told you
everything that you might accomplish through a mystery of
autosuggestion and the resulting power of Personal Magnetism, our
statements would overtax your credulity; you would not believe
them to be true. But not many years ago you might have felt the
same way if told you could communicate with a person across the
ocean without a wire; yet, today, the world transacts its business
by wireless telegraphy.
Another autosuggestion is one of the branches of suggestion, no
man knows its limitations. The value of autosuggestion extends
far beyond its immediate practice. It leads you into the realm of
Personal Magnetism, a field that is limitless as space itself.
We have devoted a great deal of time to the study and reflection
of autosuggestion, as discussed in this course. The will and
mental faculties can be developed and strengthened to an
extraordinary degree by scientific use of autosuggestion. The
world has not begun to understand this wonderful force as yet.
You will be surprised to what a high plane you can develop
yourself, physically, morally, and intellectually by the aid of
By the practice of autosuggestion, Mr. Grippo has kept himself
in good physical health and mentally alert, and we know that if
you will put into operation the directions as explained and made
clear in this course, you will be absolutely convinced and you
will become physically and mentally alert and efficient.
"Neither despise nor oppose what
thou dost not understand."
William Penn
Give this course a fair trial and, above all, lay aside all
prejudice or preconceived opinion. If you will do these you will
be surprised at your success. We have purposely avoided all
technical terms and superfluous words. To persons who wish to get
volumes of paper, this course will be a disappointment, but will
be appreciated by students desiring for themselves an active mind
and body.
Remember, we are not dealing in theories relative to scientific
suggestion. We present proven facts, not theories. By
autosuggestion, Mr. Grippo developed himself as a public lecturer
and by means of this wonderful science met with instantaneous and
gratifying success. He was surprised that he could hold the
attention of such large audiences.
Do not imagine that you can train and discipline your will
simply from reading this course; you must apply its principles and
that, too, for a reasonable time. The patience and perseverance
of the student are the factors necessary for its full
The better your physical condition, the more concentration you
have developed and the greater mastery you have over yourself,
everything else being equal - the greater will be your personal
influence. It is for this reason we dwell so much on the use of
autosuggestion in developing yourself. In Book Two, exercises for
physical development are given.
When you have fully mastered yourself, then you are in a
position to influence others. You will have confidence,
willpower, concentration and ability. The more fully you master
yourself, the more Personal Magnetism you will possess.
Remember, it is the details that count; perform the exercises
faithfully, be they ever so simple. Practice assiduously to
develop your voice, your gaze and your general movements. Above
all, never lose confidence. Do not expect to learn everything at
once: Study the instructions in the order in which they are given
and master each instructor lesson thoroughly.
"My mind to me an empire is."
Robert Southwell
If you will do as we direct, you will not fail to have an all
around development. The formulas and instructions given have been
tested in scores of cases and are absolutely accurate and
reliable. You will succeed if you will follow directions
carefully throughout the course.
You can depend implicitly on every statement made. Should you
have some failures, it is because you have not followed directions
carefully. Read the instructions over again. Study the little
things. Speak with respect and dignity at all times, of the
science of Mental and Physical Efficiency. If you treat this
study as a joke, you will only waste your time. If you are
faithful to your study, you will command respect for yourself and
your science.
Do not be discouraged by failures, as they are often the most
valuable experiences. Make up your mind that you are going to
succeed; determine to succeed and you will. You will be amazed at
the latent talent and ability that may be in you which only needs
to be brought to the surface to assert itself.
The secrets of success in everything are confidence,
determination, and perseverance.
"Autosuggestion is a simple means whereby simple men become
better, wiser, happier, more godlike. Given a few thousand
people, equipped, earnest persons, consecrated to the work of
disseminating this creed of self-help among the people of the
earth, and given willingness on the part of humanity to be
uplifted and purified through this instrumentality, and the
regeneration of the world becomes an easy problem."
Dr. John D. Quackenbos --
"Autosuggestion is a reformative, a strengthening, an exalting
instrumentality of rare power; and every man is called upon to
make of himself, through its mysterious efficacy, an intelligent,
unselfish, dauntless contributor to a realization, in the century
before us, of that civic harmony and that social peace which are a
true foretaste of heaven."
Dr. John D. Quackenbos
Your mind is a magnet and attracts that which is desired. Our
subjective mind is influenced from any source, it is even
influenced by our environment. A desire is a suggestion to the
subjective or subconscious mind and an earnest desire is a
magnetic power which, when supplemented by anticipation or faith
and strengthened by repeated effort, will invariably draw to you
the thing desired. Your every victory, every obstacle that is
overcome, every new good trait you develop in your character will
give you more confidence in the power of autosuggestion and will
make it easier for you to increase your willpower and
Self-confidence is nine tenths of the battle of success. When
you say: "I don't think I can do it," it is an even bet you will
not be successful. Remember Emerson's words, "Nerve yourself with
incessant affirmation." One good, positive thought will
neutralize a score of negative thoughts. Try it. Say, "I feel
fine, I am advancing, I am much happier."
If you mislay anything in your home and you wish to use it, you
at once concentrate all your mental faculties and make a
systematic search for the missing article. In time, the chances
are that you will find it. Concentration of mind brought to your
notice that for which you were looking. Is it not natural to
assume that if you continually keep thinking that you will be a
failure, picturing your misery in your mind, that when the day of
trial comes, you will stand but little chance of success?
"The mind has the same command
over the body as the master
over the slave." Aristotle
Your physical body is affected by your mental state. Never go
to sleep at night with angry thoughts, a discouraged or despondent
mind. If necessary, force yourself to think pleasant and hopeful
thoughts. Your mind must be in a passive state if you wish to be
susceptible to your own suggestions.
Another thing, individuality can be developed by proper
autosuggestion. The state of mental abstraction called reverie,
immediately preceding natural sleep, has been found exceedingly
appropriate for treatment of this kind. But, don't forget that
right thinking is not attained in a day. You must train your mind
as you train the muscles, and in time it will become strongly
developed. Do not worry. It is always darkest before dawn. the
dawn may be near for you. This course will help you to bring it
You do not realize the wonderful dormant willpower, and latent
energy that exist within you. Yet, we have all seen it come to
the surface and assert themselves when abnormal conditions
presented themselves.
For instance, when a man's life is in danger, what a tremendous
willpower and strength he instantly calls to his aid. Let a
woman's child be in danger and at once you will witness a
wonderful manifestation of courage and willpower, and she is
magnificent in her strength. The same woman would run and scream
from a tiny mouse. A boy hates to run an errand, saying it is too
far to walk, etc., yet the same boy will romp and run on a
baseball field and use up ten times the energy necessary to
perform the errand. The influence is, if you want to do a thing,
you can do it. Will yourself strongly to do it, and you will
perform it. Don't laugh - try it.
Suggestion gains force by repetition. This law is the secret of
advertising. At first the advertisement is an indirect
suggestion. After repeated insertions or displays it becomes
direct suggestion. Picture in your mind's eye yourself as you
will yourself to be. This is an anticipation. Keep repeating the
picture in your mind and the law will assert itself and you will
ultimately develop into that state. This is very important.
"The master key to self-development is autosuggestion."
The Author ---
The man who formulated the master key which unlocks all the
mysteries of mental therapeutics is Thomas Jay Hudson, PhD, LLD,
and author of, "The Law of Psychic Phenomena." He lays down the
following hypothesis:
1. Man is endowed with a dual mind - objective and subjective.
2. The subjective mind controls the functions, sensations and
conditions of the body.
3. The subjective mind is constantly amenable to control by the
power of suggestion.
Suggestions are divided into two classes, namely:
1. Suggestions by a second person, as by a hypnotist.
2. Autosuggestions.
Autosuggestion may be defined as the control which the objective
mind of a person exercises over his own subjective mind.
In later lessons the division and make up of the brain are
described and you will understand just how and why your objective
mind is able to control your subjective mind.
It is a very important fact to remember that the use of
suggestion of hypnotism has a much wider application than the
ordinary person thinks possible. To develop latent powers or
overcome bad habits, it is not necessary that hypnotic sleep
should be produced. A great many people labor under the delusion
that to be benefited they go into a deep trance and pass through
the different stages of hypnosis. This is not at all necessary.
In order to produce the best results by suggestion, autosuggestion
takes the place of hypnotism and in a passive subjective
condition, with the mind in harmony with the object - produces the
same result, but it will be a slower educational process.
"Autosuggestion," says Dr. James L. Cocke, "Can be used to train
the attention of persons habitually inattentive." The world is
full of people who lack self-control, who are nervous and would do
anything to become normal.
If you should be prone to a bad habit, and you have failed to
overcome it, you can be completely cured if your attention be
fixed long enough to acquire a new habit. The scientific method
of forming a new habit is by autosuggestion.
Give it a trial and watch the result. It is a peculiar law of
nature that if we make up our minds to recall an idea which we had
in mind before sleeping, we can do so. This is not hypnotism. To
develop your latent powers, your faculties and overcome bad
habits, it is not necessary that you should be hypnotized.
The following method of procedure, if persevered in, will
develop any faculty or cure any bad habit, and is sure to bring
After you retire to bed, and you strongly desire to do a
particular thing or be in a certain state of mind, will or resolve
to accomplish your purpose, then let yourself fall into an
ordinary sleep, just as usual. In the morning you may have
forgotten all about it, but later you will feel the impulse and
carry out your resolutions.
In the beginning of this work don't be too anxious and be sure
not to make your suggestions too forcibly. This is especially
efficacious for those suffering from mental worry.
Dr. Tuckey, the leading English suggestionist, gives the
following excellent advice, "Resolve before going to sleep that if
there be anything whatever for you to do which requires will or
resolution, be it to undertake orchard work, to fast or make a
speech, to say 'no' to anything; in short, to make any kind of
effort that you will do it."
"Efficiency isn't a birthright, but an
Herbert Kaufman -
Do not expect to become a mental marvel from your first
exertions. You must not anticipate immediate results. However,
as soon as you realize that you are acquiring control of your
will, then the time is opportune to make greater efforts.
You must have willpower to work and keep up the work.
autosuggestion, again, is the mainstay to develop this willpower.
Perseverance, then, means success.
Remember, this may be the first time you discovered that you
have a subjective mind and you will have to train it before you
get maximum results. The first time you begin this work, select
an object, say a rose, now calmly and determinedly direct the mind
on it, then suggest that you will recall it at a certain hour next
day, say eleven o'clock, repeat it then to yourself, fifteen times
or twenty times before falling asleep, "Tomorrow at eleven o'clock
I will think of the rose." Now drop off into an ordinary sleep.
If you think of the rose next day at eleven o'clock, repeat it the
next night and add something else to it, such as a deep, red
color. Mere repetition without thought is time lost, yet violent
effort is not advisable.
While willing what you want you should think, but think with a
belief that the idea is to return to you. This is important.
Autosuggestion is more beneficial if induced just before
ordinary sleep. It is also well if you strive to cultivate the
habit of lingering or waking in the morning in that hazy condition
of half-sleep and half-wakefulness, for this is a golden time to
give yourself good suggestions. Try it and be convinced.
Robert Louis Stevenson, by autosuggestion before sleep,
concocted material, through dreams, for most of his famous
"Every mental impression strives for expression, every
mental picture strives for realization."
Dr. Charles F. Winbigler
Your thought habits determine what you are. If your thought
habit is based on faith, you are very fortunate; if your thought
habit is based on fear, you may be sure you are weak, helpless and
easily conquered.
The greatest enemy of mankind is worry and fear. These twins
destroy our willpower, paralyze our thinking, undermine our nerve
power and, if allowed to continue, will wreck our lives.
Remember, worry is not a real thing, it is a figment of the
imagination which looks real to us if we are afraid.
Unfortunately, worry is the scourge of the age.
Worry cannot attack courageous people. Its victims are the
weaklings. Worry and fear can be conquered by the substitution of
confidence and courage. Remember, you can only think of one thing
at a time.
This fact is very important.
You must learn to rely upon yourself. Do not expect or request
your friends to help you. This weakens your whole make-up. The
real power is within you and you must make the fight alone.
Success does not come at once. You must overcome your defects
one by one. Dispose of one thing at a time and then tackle the
Let this fact stand out. You are alive today. The troubles and
difficulties you expected to lick you in the past did not do so.
The trouble you now have may seem greater but keep going, don't
quit and, again, you will win. You are never licked until you
lick yourself.
Your mind is the master. It controls your functions, your
organs and your general health. You are what you think you are.
Autosuggestion may be defined as the control which the objective
mind of a person exercises over his own subjective mind. It is
talking to one's self with a definite idea to attain.
The more vivid and definite the autosuggestions are the quicker
they will bear fruit. The greater the visualization of what you
wish to accomplish and the determination to realize the thing you
desire the more quickly and permanent will be the results.
The visualization of the pictures you produce in your mind can
make or break you. The thoughts and pictures you hold in your
mind will determine your health, success or failure.
To get the maximum results from autosuggestion, it is absolutely
necessary that you completely relax, then you give your entire
attention and there should be repetition of the formula. The will
and graphic power of visualization must work together otherwise
the imagination will overpower the will. At first you will not
get very much results. But, once you learn the knack of giving
yourself correct suggestions, you will be delighted at the change
for the better.
See to it that the picture power of your mind does not
contradict your willpower. For, if this should happen, you will
get no results. For instance, if you say to yourself that you can
do a certain thing and you hold the picture or visualize in your
mind that you cannot do it, you will not.
Take a man who would like to be rich but thinks he will always
be poor. By thinking in this manner he will hardly ever make the
grade. You can't go up and down in an elevator at the same time.
Neither can one become well-off if he constantly thinks he'll
remain poor.
Let me quote this wonder truth from Dr. Winbigler, "The attitude
of mind more than what we do determines our success or failure in
AUTOSUGGESTIONS FOR INSOMNIA: These suggestions should be given
during the daytime not at night when you retire. The best time
would be between one and four o'clock in the afternoon. Recline
or sit in a comfortable chair and in a whispering tone repeat five
times: "I will have a good sleep tonight." In a louder tone
repeat five times: "I shall have a restful and sound sleep." Now
imagine you see yourself sleeping soundly that evening. Think of
the restful feeling of sound sleep. See yourself awakening in the
morning refreshed after a full night's sleep. It would be helpful
here if you go through the action of yawning a couple of times.
Finish by repeating to yourself seven times: "Tonight I will
sleep very soundly."
If you wish to develop and bring out your highest powers
spiritually, mentally and physically, devote reasonable time each
day to the application of autosuggestion and by meditating on
uplifting ideas, unselfish thoughts, you will find in a short time
that a change will come over your entire personality. Your mental
outlook will be brighter, new cells will develop in your body and
you will be renewed in every sense of the word.
The following set of autosuggestions are very good to use after
you recline on a bed or lounge or sit comfortably in a chair and
after completing realizing, repeat the following: (memorize them)
"My circulation is normal throughout my whole body. My blood is
nourishing every organ, cell and tissue. My mind is using my
brain correctly and my brain is in good feeling for all. My life
will be filled with happiness and I will get the very best out of
life. I shall be master of myself. Nothing can stop me from a
realization of complete mastery. I shall be successful in my
undertakings. All my power and wisdom will come to the surface.
My mind will think success and it will be realized. I positively
will conquer worry. By no means can it master me. Fear and worry
will leave my make-up. I am confident, calm and determined. I
will be very courageous. I shall have health, strength and
success. I shall be master of myself and successful in every
Conditions of mind such as the following may be brought on with
very beneficial results if the will is concentrated on them just
before dropping off into a normal sleep:
Calmness of spirit and peace of mind.
The power to resist all annoyances.
A feeling of contentment, cheerfulness and happiness.
A feeling of determination to do and to dare.
The cultivation of quickness of perception.
The cultivation of body stamina.
The cultivation of greater observation and insight.
The development of character.
The development of certain talents.
The development of certain tastes.
The overcoming of weakness and faults.
The overcoming of faulty habits, liquor, tobacco, etc.
The overcoming of the habit of gossiping.
To express gratitude for any favor or service.
To express sympathy to those in distress.
To praise the good works of others.
To refrain from mentioning your personal troubles and cares.
The development of the truthfulness in word and action.
The development of the best that is in you.
To grasp the best opportunities when presented.
Marvelous self-development will result from this simple exercise
in autosuggestion if you will exercise judgment and patience.
Remember when you retire to bed, to concentrate your will on
whatever you desire. You suggest that the next day your wish
shall be fulfilled; that the next day you will be stronger, better
and nearer your ideal than you were the day before. You must not
wish for more than one thing at a time, at least until you get
used to the work, but as you keep up the suggestions, you will be
struck with your success. Keep on willing and resolving before
going to sleep at night. Don't get discouraged at your first
seeming failures, but keep up the suggestions and you will
"We make way for the man who boldly pushed past us."
Anticipation and induced will increase the benefits of
autosuggestion. In fact, this knack of anticipation will be found
to greatly aid all the useful arts.
Our greatest enemy is fear. The majority of our fears have been
conditioned in us by our family grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts,
uncles, etc. Use your will against these fears and with the aid
of anticipation, live a secure and peaceful life.
As used here, anticipation means a powerful impulse of the will
into the work at hand. It is an order, as it were, to the
subjective mind to obey and carry out the suggestions. With
practice, you will find it a wonderful help on all occasions and
Your power to master yourself and all things in life will be
greatly increased when you grow familiar and really understand
anticipation. Therefore, it means a kind of seeing yourself in
the desired goal, or foretelling of what will surely come to
Do not, under any conditions, allow yourself to be in a hurry
and, likewise, do not force yourself. When you find that you are
improving the will, then you will go further with the development.
By this method your latent talents will come to the surface and
your mentality will become alert.
You have no conception of the wonderful power of thought and
determination. A great many people have been deprived of a good
career for want of a very little knowledge.
Do not practice autosuggestion shortly after eating, and to get
its best results, you must lead a temperate life. Dreams, a great
many of which are caused by eating too heavily before retiring,
will interfere with peaceful mental action during your hours of
sleep. You must get your body into good shape before you can
expect to get the maximum results from autosuggestion. For,
remember, good thinking and bad digestion cannot go together. All
physiologists agree on this,some going so far as to say that we
should not read while eating. This is obvious and self-evident to
anybody who will give the matter the least attention. Later
lessons tell you how to build up your physical self.
These exercises may appear very simple, but they are very
important to the man or woman who desires development along any
lines. Give them a fair trial and be convinced.
Also treat yourself while awake. Look at a bright light or spot
at the same time giving yourself other suggestions. It is not
advisable to put yourself asleep by this method. Consult an
expert hypnotist if you desire to be hypnotized.
Your will and memory can be strengthened wonderfully by gazing
at a bright light steadily and giving yourself suggestions that
your willpower will be stronger and your memory better. Try this
method and the result will mystify you. You must always keep your
kidneys and bowels in a normal, healthy condition in order to
cultivate your mind. this is very important.
Always give yourself suggestions of success, happiness and
health. Great disease producers are mental worry and strain and
lack of exercise.
Dr. John Duncan Quackenbos, one of the greatest, if not the
greatest, hypnosuggestionists in the United States, writes of
autosuggestion in his inimitable style:
"Endless lines of self-improvement open to the
self-suggestionist who would ennoble and beautify his life. There
are habits to disroot, expensive, unnecessary, soul destroying
habits. There are evil passions to break down. There are tongues
to make clean and to tie. There are thoughts to make chaste, and
lives to make white. There is a clinch of crime to break. The
voice of remorse to instill. After the uplift that such self
treatment implies, the self-inspired man may go forth to his tasks
without room in his consciousness for any impulse that smirches or
a thought form that beckons to compromising action.
Have any lost their reckoning and are drifting aimlessly on
life's unquiet sea? Has the chill of disappointment blighted your
interest in wholesome activities, or the darkness of despair
wrapped you in moral melancholia? Do you lack the resignation
that knows how to give up, but never to give in? You have your
remedy. The opportunity is at hand, the obligation to embrace
that opportunity is inseparable from it. You dare not admit
disqualification, self-created or abjectly imposed, in the face of
opportunity to be better, or to be wiser, to be happier, to be
more godlike. Through autosuggestion, a simple means for simple
men, each one of us may realize his own oversoul and its
relationship to Deity and destiny."
Jimmy Grippo has been one of the most dynamic hypnotists for
more than 60 years. One might say that Jimmy Grippo was a pioneer
in his field, and a user of his own medicine. Today at 88 years
of age, one must take notice of his agility and youthful
appearance, only possible through his belief and strict use of
Jimmy Grippo is a legend around the world, having established
himself as both a qualified hypnotist, and also as a close-up
magician-entertainer, performing the last 20 years exclusively at
Caesars Palace, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kings, Queens, Presidents
and other heads of state have beckoned Jimmy Grippo to command
performances. Celebrities from the film and sports world seek
Jimmy out whenever they are in Las Vegas, to be entertained in a
manner that only Jimmy can offer.
Jimmy Grippo, before your very eyes, deliberately and slowly,
can make real magic seem to happen! His cold black eyes, seem to
lend a feeling of the supernatural. You sense that the man is
uncanny, magical, and what is the most important trait of Jimmy,
is his charm. A charm that comes along only once in a lifetime.
Hypnosis was a very mysterious subject in Jimmy's early years.
Perhaps that is the reason that he felt drawn to learn the art
very adeptly from Dr. Manero, a peasant that lived in the
mountains of a small Italian town. Manero's style was unique,
different, charming and effective. Jimmy feels that Manero
demonstrated hypnosis on a scale that was unequaled anywhere in
the world. Jimmy is grateful to Dr. Manero's teachings. Perhaps
Jimmy has learned the secret to the fountain of youth from Dr.
Manero? Manero lived to be 118 years of age, and only died after
an accident while traveling on a donkey.
Jimmy Grippo has used hypnosis both as an entertaining art and
as a healing art. He once performed the first hypnotic child
birth technique in New York. He also has helped many famous
athletes who wanted to improve in their particular sport. One
young man, Emillo Bettina, went on to become a championship boxer,
with Grippo using his special hypnotic talents, giving the young
fighter courage, confidence and concentration. Jimmy Conners, the
famous tennis superstar, has been hypnotized on many occasions by
Jimmy Grippo, as has Muhammad Ali, Shirley McLaine and many
During the Second World War, Jimmy was hired by the United
States Army and the Navy to hypnotize those who knew classified
secrets, so that if they were captured by the enemy, and even
under torture, no information could be extracted from them.
Jimmy also utilized his talents in the Special Services of the
U.S. branch of the Army during WWII, hypnotizing the American
casualties suffering from wounds as they lay on battlefields in
Italy and France. Jimmy prevented many of the men from dying.
I guess more could be said about the mysterious Jimmy Grippo,
but that would take another 200 pages. So as I write this
preface, I realize how lucky I have been to have been a personal
friend, confidant, pal and consultant to Jimmy Grippo. I thank you
You the reader, study these lessons, not only the practical
applications, but the future abstract uses that are possible
through the use of hypnosis and autosuggestion. What you possess
here in this mansucript is marvel, that could change the course of
your life!
Geno Munari
Having been devoted to the study of hypnotism for approximately
forty years, and having practiced it for the correction of bad
habits, inferiority complexes, fears, and inhibitions, as well as
for talent development, personality building, etc., for about
thirty years, I first became interested in the subject of
autosuggestion some thirty years ago. The innumerable
opportunities which this new subject offered for the application
of modern experimental procedures proved a temptation too great to
be resisted. From this interest developed a program of intensive
research which has yielded the following report. My views,
investigations and experiences are set down here. But the
findings of other researchers and experts have also been utilized
in the preparation of this course wherever possible. My chief
object has been to make these findings available to the general
Health depends materially upon the character of one's mental
states - the mind exerts a tremendous influence over the physical
states. The influence of Fear, Worry, Anger and Gloomy mental
states are actually depressing in their effect upon the functions
of the bodily organs - Hope, Faith, and Courage and Cheerfulness,
exert a positive, invigorating effect upon the physical functions.
This being the case, does it not follow that a habit of proper
autosuggestion, once acquired and practiced, the person must of
necessity resist disease, and develop a normal, healthy condition
of physical life? Proper autosuggestion comes as near to being a
universal remedy for disease, as anything ever known to man. That
is, autosuggestion accompanied by the proper ideals and mental
pictures and the manifestations in action, as described in this
Every man and woman can develop the power of determining,
controlling his or her thoughts, the power of determining what
types of thoughts he or she shall and what types he or she shall
not entertain. Our dominating thoughts determine our dominating
actions. The acts repeated, crystallize themselves into the
habit. The aggregate of habits is our character. By the thoughts
we think we create an atmosphere around us, by which other people
are influenced.
Alas, most people have not their thoughts under control. They
lack mental discipline and concentration. In order to
concentrate, we must be masters of our brain and not allow the
brain to master us. The brain must be disciplined, and must learn
the habit of obedience.
As a matter of fact, the science of autosuggestion is simply the
science of reeducation - a process designed to break up old
unhealthy complexes which disrupt the forces of the individual,
and to build up healthy complexes which adjust him to the social
world and enable him to use his energy in useful ways.
Reeducation through this method is simply a matter of learning
the truth and acting upon it. It is a process of scientific
It is by mental discipline that we prevent those diseases for
which hypnotism and suggestion are the best cures. The mental
condition of Hysteria, the Morbid Doubts and Fears of
Neurasthenia, Abnormal Impulses, Perverted Habits, and all the
other troubles for which hypnotism may be applied with success,
are largely due to the same lack of control over the powers which
constitute mind and personality.
Autosuggestion is a process of habitually repeating a selected
idea long enough for it to pass into the unconscious mind and
become a permanent source of impelling power. It depends upon
three very important degrees of mental processes:
Believe in yourself and compel others to believe in you, for
control of others demands firm control of yourself.
"Applied psychology is the hope
of the world." H.G. WELLS
This is a marvelous age in which we live. One wonder follows
another in such rapid succession that the observer of twentieth
century phenomena is appalled and bewildered at the seeming
miracles that pass like a panorama before one's vision. A few
years back the inventor of a flying machine was considered a
visionary whose dreams of aerial navigation would never come true.
Yet, today aerial navigation is a fact and the practical airship
is a living, pulsating reality.
In the realm of science the most astounding discoveries have
been made. Every branch and department of science have
marvelously shared in twentieth century development, but, perhaps,
no individual department has made such gigantic strides as that
branch of science known as psychology, which has to do with the
workings of the human mind - its attributes and its laws.
Psychology explains today with equal ease and facility the mind
workings of the criminal and the mental processes of the genius.
It takes that most fascinating of arts, that most mysterious of
forces - autosuggestion - and reduces it to facts and figures;
coldly and practically explains it, and rescues it from the
mysticism that for years has enshrouded it.
"The first of two great problems that confront us is that of our
powers; the second, that of our means of unlocking them or getting
at them. Suggestion, especially under hypnosis, is now
universally recognized as a means, exceptionally successful in
certain persons, of concentrating consciousness, and in others in
influencing their bodies' states. It throws into gear the
energies of imagination, of will, and of mental influence over
physiological processes that usually lie dormant. It is, in
short, dynamogenic, and the cheapest terms in which to deal with
our amateur. Yogi's experience is to call it - autosuggestive."
-- The late Professor William James of
Harvard University --
The mind is controlled absolutely by suggestion. If we told you
everything that you might accomplish through a mystery of
autosuggestion and the resulting power of Personal Magnetism, our
statements would overtax your credulity; you would not believe
them to be true. But not many years ago you might have felt the
same way if told you could communicate with a person across the
ocean without a wire; yet, today, the world transacts its business
by wireless telegraphy.
Another autosuggestion is one of the branches of suggestion, no
man knows its limitations. The value of autosuggestion extends
far beyond its immediate practice. It leads you into the realm of
Personal Magnetism, a field that is limitless as space itself.
We have devoted a great deal of time to the study and reflection
of autosuggestion, as discussed in this course. The will and
mental faculties can be developed and strengthened to an
extraordinary degree by scientific use of autosuggestion. The
world has not begun to understand this wonderful force as yet.
You will be surprised to what a high plane you can develop
yourself, physically, morally, and intellectually by the aid of
By the practice of autosuggestion, Mr. Grippo has kept himself
in good physical health and mentally alert, and we know that if
you will put into operation the directions as explained and made
clear in this course, you will be absolutely convinced and you
will become physically and mentally alert and efficient.
"Neither despise nor oppose what
thou dost not understand."
William Penn
Give this course a fair trial and, above all, lay aside all
prejudice or preconceived opinion. If you will do these you will
be surprised at your success. We have purposely avoided all
technical terms and superfluous words. To persons who wish to get
volumes of paper, this course will be a disappointment, but will
be appreciated by students desiring for themselves an active mind
and body.
Remember, we are not dealing in theories relative to scientific
suggestion. We present proven facts, not theories. By
autosuggestion, Mr. Grippo developed himself as a public lecturer
and by means of this wonderful science met with instantaneous and
gratifying success. He was surprised that he could hold the
attention of such large audiences.
Do not imagine that you can train and discipline your will
simply from reading this course; you must apply its principles and
that, too, for a reasonable time. The patience and perseverance
of the student are the factors necessary for its full
The better your physical condition, the more concentration you
have developed and the greater mastery you have over yourself,
everything else being equal - the greater will be your personal
influence. It is for this reason we dwell so much on the use of
autosuggestion in developing yourself. In Book Two, exercises for
physical development are given.
When you have fully mastered yourself, then you are in a
position to influence others. You will have confidence,
willpower, concentration and ability. The more fully you master
yourself, the more Personal Magnetism you will possess.
Remember, it is the details that count; perform the exercises
faithfully, be they ever so simple. Practice assiduously to
develop your voice, your gaze and your general movements. Above
all, never lose confidence. Do not expect to learn everything at
once: Study the instructions in the order in which they are given
and master each instructor lesson thoroughly.
"My mind to me an empire is."
Robert Southwell
If you will do as we direct, you will not fail to have an all
around development. The formulas and instructions given have been
tested in scores of cases and are absolutely accurate and
reliable. You will succeed if you will follow directions
carefully throughout the course.
You can depend implicitly on every statement made. Should you
have some failures, it is because you have not followed directions
carefully. Read the instructions over again. Study the little
things. Speak with respect and dignity at all times, of the
science of Mental and Physical Efficiency. If you treat this
study as a joke, you will only waste your time. If you are
faithful to your study, you will command respect for yourself and
your science.
Do not be discouraged by failures, as they are often the most
valuable experiences. Make up your mind that you are going to
succeed; determine to succeed and you will. You will be amazed at
the latent talent and ability that may be in you which only needs
to be brought to the surface to assert itself.
The secrets of success in everything are confidence,
determination, and perseverance.
"Autosuggestion is a simple means whereby simple men become
better, wiser, happier, more godlike. Given a few thousand
people, equipped, earnest persons, consecrated to the work of
disseminating this creed of self-help among the people of the
earth, and given willingness on the part of humanity to be
uplifted and purified through this instrumentality, and the
regeneration of the world becomes an easy problem."
Dr. John D. Quackenbos --
"Autosuggestion is a reformative, a strengthening, an exalting
instrumentality of rare power; and every man is called upon to
make of himself, through its mysterious efficacy, an intelligent,
unselfish, dauntless contributor to a realization, in the century
before us, of that civic harmony and that social peace which are a
true foretaste of heaven."
Dr. John D. Quackenbos
Your mind is a magnet and attracts that which is desired. Our
subjective mind is influenced from any source, it is even
influenced by our environment. A desire is a suggestion to the
subjective or subconscious mind and an earnest desire is a
magnetic power which, when supplemented by anticipation or faith
and strengthened by repeated effort, will invariably draw to you
the thing desired. Your every victory, every obstacle that is
overcome, every new good trait you develop in your character will
give you more confidence in the power of autosuggestion and will
make it easier for you to increase your willpower and
Self-confidence is nine tenths of the battle of success. When
you say: "I don't think I can do it," it is an even bet you will
not be successful. Remember Emerson's words, "Nerve yourself with
incessant affirmation." One good, positive thought will
neutralize a score of negative thoughts. Try it. Say, "I feel
fine, I am advancing, I am much happier."
If you mislay anything in your home and you wish to use it, you
at once concentrate all your mental faculties and make a
systematic search for the missing article. In time, the chances
are that you will find it. Concentration of mind brought to your
notice that for which you were looking. Is it not natural to
assume that if you continually keep thinking that you will be a
failure, picturing your misery in your mind, that when the day of
trial comes, you will stand but little chance of success?
"The mind has the same command
over the body as the master
over the slave." Aristotle
Your physical body is affected by your mental state. Never go
to sleep at night with angry thoughts, a discouraged or despondent
mind. If necessary, force yourself to think pleasant and hopeful
thoughts. Your mind must be in a passive state if you wish to be
susceptible to your own suggestions.
Another thing, individuality can be developed by proper
autosuggestion. The state of mental abstraction called reverie,
immediately preceding natural sleep, has been found exceedingly
appropriate for treatment of this kind. But, don't forget that
right thinking is not attained in a day. You must train your mind
as you train the muscles, and in time it will become strongly
developed. Do not worry. It is always darkest before dawn. the
dawn may be near for you. This course will help you to bring it
You do not realize the wonderful dormant willpower, and latent
energy that exist within you. Yet, we have all seen it come to
the surface and assert themselves when abnormal conditions
presented themselves.
For instance, when a man's life is in danger, what a tremendous
willpower and strength he instantly calls to his aid. Let a
woman's child be in danger and at once you will witness a
wonderful manifestation of courage and willpower, and she is
magnificent in her strength. The same woman would run and scream
from a tiny mouse. A boy hates to run an errand, saying it is too
far to walk, etc., yet the same boy will romp and run on a
baseball field and use up ten times the energy necessary to
perform the errand. The influence is, if you want to do a thing,
you can do it. Will yourself strongly to do it, and you will
perform it. Don't laugh - try it.
Suggestion gains force by repetition. This law is the secret of
advertising. At first the advertisement is an indirect
suggestion. After repeated insertions or displays it becomes
direct suggestion. Picture in your mind's eye yourself as you
will yourself to be. This is an anticipation. Keep repeating the
picture in your mind and the law will assert itself and you will
ultimately develop into that state. This is very important.
"The master key to self-development is autosuggestion."
The Author ---
The man who formulated the master key which unlocks all the
mysteries of mental therapeutics is Thomas Jay Hudson, PhD, LLD,
and author of, "The Law of Psychic Phenomena." He lays down the
following hypothesis:
1. Man is endowed with a dual mind - objective and subjective.
2. The subjective mind controls the functions, sensations and
conditions of the body.
3. The subjective mind is constantly amenable to control by the
power of suggestion.
Suggestions are divided into two classes, namely:
1. Suggestions by a second person, as by a hypnotist.
2. Autosuggestions.
Autosuggestion may be defined as the control which the objective
mind of a person exercises over his own subjective mind.
In later lessons the division and make up of the brain are
described and you will understand just how and why your objective
mind is able to control your subjective mind.
It is a very important fact to remember that the use of
suggestion of hypnotism has a much wider application than the
ordinary person thinks possible. To develop latent powers or
overcome bad habits, it is not necessary that hypnotic sleep
should be produced. A great many people labor under the delusion
that to be benefited they go into a deep trance and pass through
the different stages of hypnosis. This is not at all necessary.
In order to produce the best results by suggestion, autosuggestion
takes the place of hypnotism and in a passive subjective
condition, with the mind in harmony with the object - produces the
same result, but it will be a slower educational process.
"Autosuggestion," says Dr. James L. Cocke, "Can be used to train
the attention of persons habitually inattentive." The world is
full of people who lack self-control, who are nervous and would do
anything to become normal.
If you should be prone to a bad habit, and you have failed to
overcome it, you can be completely cured if your attention be
fixed long enough to acquire a new habit. The scientific method
of forming a new habit is by autosuggestion.
Give it a trial and watch the result. It is a peculiar law of
nature that if we make up our minds to recall an idea which we had
in mind before sleeping, we can do so. This is not hypnotism. To
develop your latent powers, your faculties and overcome bad
habits, it is not necessary that you should be hypnotized.
The following method of procedure, if persevered in, will
develop any faculty or cure any bad habit, and is sure to bring
After you retire to bed, and you strongly desire to do a
particular thing or be in a certain state of mind, will or resolve
to accomplish your purpose, then let yourself fall into an
ordinary sleep, just as usual. In the morning you may have
forgotten all about it, but later you will feel the impulse and
carry out your resolutions.
In the beginning of this work don't be too anxious and be sure
not to make your suggestions too forcibly. This is especially
efficacious for those suffering from mental worry.
Dr. Tuckey, the leading English suggestionist, gives the
following excellent advice, "Resolve before going to sleep that if
there be anything whatever for you to do which requires will or
resolution, be it to undertake orchard work, to fast or make a
speech, to say 'no' to anything; in short, to make any kind of
effort that you will do it."
"Efficiency isn't a birthright, but an
Herbert Kaufman -
Do not expect to become a mental marvel from your first
exertions. You must not anticipate immediate results. However,
as soon as you realize that you are acquiring control of your
will, then the time is opportune to make greater efforts.
You must have willpower to work and keep up the work.
autosuggestion, again, is the mainstay to develop this willpower.
Perseverance, then, means success.
Remember, this may be the first time you discovered that you
have a subjective mind and you will have to train it before you
get maximum results. The first time you begin this work, select
an object, say a rose, now calmly and determinedly direct the mind
on it, then suggest that you will recall it at a certain hour next
day, say eleven o'clock, repeat it then to yourself, fifteen times
or twenty times before falling asleep, "Tomorrow at eleven o'clock
I will think of the rose." Now drop off into an ordinary sleep.
If you think of the rose next day at eleven o'clock, repeat it the
next night and add something else to it, such as a deep, red
color. Mere repetition without thought is time lost, yet violent
effort is not advisable.
While willing what you want you should think, but think with a
belief that the idea is to return to you. This is important.
Autosuggestion is more beneficial if induced just before
ordinary sleep. It is also well if you strive to cultivate the
habit of lingering or waking in the morning in that hazy condition
of half-sleep and half-wakefulness, for this is a golden time to
give yourself good suggestions. Try it and be convinced.
Robert Louis Stevenson, by autosuggestion before sleep,
concocted material, through dreams, for most of his famous
"Every mental impression strives for expression, every
mental picture strives for realization."
Dr. Charles F. Winbigler
Your thought habits determine what you are. If your thought
habit is based on faith, you are very fortunate; if your thought
habit is based on fear, you may be sure you are weak, helpless and
easily conquered.
The greatest enemy of mankind is worry and fear. These twins
destroy our willpower, paralyze our thinking, undermine our nerve
power and, if allowed to continue, will wreck our lives.
Remember, worry is not a real thing, it is a figment of the
imagination which looks real to us if we are afraid.
Unfortunately, worry is the scourge of the age.
Worry cannot attack courageous people. Its victims are the
weaklings. Worry and fear can be conquered by the substitution of
confidence and courage. Remember, you can only think of one thing
at a time.
This fact is very important.
You must learn to rely upon yourself. Do not expect or request
your friends to help you. This weakens your whole make-up. The
real power is within you and you must make the fight alone.
Success does not come at once. You must overcome your defects
one by one. Dispose of one thing at a time and then tackle the
Let this fact stand out. You are alive today. The troubles and
difficulties you expected to lick you in the past did not do so.
The trouble you now have may seem greater but keep going, don't
quit and, again, you will win. You are never licked until you
lick yourself.
Your mind is the master. It controls your functions, your
organs and your general health. You are what you think you are.
Autosuggestion may be defined as the control which the objective
mind of a person exercises over his own subjective mind. It is
talking to one's self with a definite idea to attain.
The more vivid and definite the autosuggestions are the quicker
they will bear fruit. The greater the visualization of what you
wish to accomplish and the determination to realize the thing you
desire the more quickly and permanent will be the results.
The visualization of the pictures you produce in your mind can
make or break you. The thoughts and pictures you hold in your
mind will determine your health, success or failure.
To get the maximum results from autosuggestion, it is absolutely
necessary that you completely relax, then you give your entire
attention and there should be repetition of the formula. The will
and graphic power of visualization must work together otherwise
the imagination will overpower the will. At first you will not
get very much results. But, once you learn the knack of giving
yourself correct suggestions, you will be delighted at the change
for the better.
See to it that the picture power of your mind does not
contradict your willpower. For, if this should happen, you will
get no results. For instance, if you say to yourself that you can
do a certain thing and you hold the picture or visualize in your
mind that you cannot do it, you will not.
Take a man who would like to be rich but thinks he will always
be poor. By thinking in this manner he will hardly ever make the
grade. You can't go up and down in an elevator at the same time.
Neither can one become well-off if he constantly thinks he'll
remain poor.
Let me quote this wonder truth from Dr. Winbigler, "The attitude
of mind more than what we do determines our success or failure in
AUTOSUGGESTIONS FOR INSOMNIA: These suggestions should be given
during the daytime not at night when you retire. The best time
would be between one and four o'clock in the afternoon. Recline
or sit in a comfortable chair and in a whispering tone repeat five
times: "I will have a good sleep tonight." In a louder tone
repeat five times: "I shall have a restful and sound sleep." Now
imagine you see yourself sleeping soundly that evening. Think of
the restful feeling of sound sleep. See yourself awakening in the
morning refreshed after a full night's sleep. It would be helpful
here if you go through the action of yawning a couple of times.
Finish by repeating to yourself seven times: "Tonight I will
sleep very soundly."
If you wish to develop and bring out your highest powers
spiritually, mentally and physically, devote reasonable time each
day to the application of autosuggestion and by meditating on
uplifting ideas, unselfish thoughts, you will find in a short time
that a change will come over your entire personality. Your mental
outlook will be brighter, new cells will develop in your body and
you will be renewed in every sense of the word.
The following set of autosuggestions are very good to use after
you recline on a bed or lounge or sit comfortably in a chair and
after completing realizing, repeat the following: (memorize them)
"My circulation is normal throughout my whole body. My blood is
nourishing every organ, cell and tissue. My mind is using my
brain correctly and my brain is in good feeling for all. My life
will be filled with happiness and I will get the very best out of
life. I shall be master of myself. Nothing can stop me from a
realization of complete mastery. I shall be successful in my
undertakings. All my power and wisdom will come to the surface.
My mind will think success and it will be realized. I positively
will conquer worry. By no means can it master me. Fear and worry
will leave my make-up. I am confident, calm and determined. I
will be very courageous. I shall have health, strength and
success. I shall be master of myself and successful in every
Conditions of mind such as the following may be brought on with
very beneficial results if the will is concentrated on them just
before dropping off into a normal sleep:
Calmness of spirit and peace of mind.
The power to resist all annoyances.
A feeling of contentment, cheerfulness and happiness.
A feeling of determination to do and to dare.
The cultivation of quickness of perception.
The cultivation of body stamina.
The cultivation of greater observation and insight.
The development of character.
The development of certain talents.
The development of certain tastes.
The overcoming of weakness and faults.
The overcoming of faulty habits, liquor, tobacco, etc.
The overcoming of the habit of gossiping.
To express gratitude for any favor or service.
To express sympathy to those in distress.
To praise the good works of others.
To refrain from mentioning your personal troubles and cares.
The development of the truthfulness in word and action.
The development of the best that is in you.
To grasp the best opportunities when presented.
Marvelous self-development will result from this simple exercise
in autosuggestion if you will exercise judgment and patience.
Remember when you retire to bed, to concentrate your will on
whatever you desire. You suggest that the next day your wish
shall be fulfilled; that the next day you will be stronger, better
and nearer your ideal than you were the day before. You must not
wish for more than one thing at a time, at least until you get
used to the work, but as you keep up the suggestions, you will be
struck with your success. Keep on willing and resolving before
going to sleep at night. Don't get discouraged at your first
seeming failures, but keep up the suggestions and you will
"We make way for the man who boldly pushed past us."
Anticipation and induced will increase the benefits of
autosuggestion. In fact, this knack of anticipation will be found
to greatly aid all the useful arts.
Our greatest enemy is fear. The majority of our fears have been
conditioned in us by our family grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts,
uncles, etc. Use your will against these fears and with the aid
of anticipation, live a secure and peaceful life.
As used here, anticipation means a powerful impulse of the will
into the work at hand. It is an order, as it were, to the
subjective mind to obey and carry out the suggestions. With
practice, you will find it a wonderful help on all occasions and
Your power to master yourself and all things in life will be
greatly increased when you grow familiar and really understand
anticipation. Therefore, it means a kind of seeing yourself in
the desired goal, or foretelling of what will surely come to
Do not, under any conditions, allow yourself to be in a hurry
and, likewise, do not force yourself. When you find that you are
improving the will, then you will go further with the development.
By this method your latent talents will come to the surface and
your mentality will become alert.
You have no conception of the wonderful power of thought and
determination. A great many people have been deprived of a good
career for want of a very little knowledge.
Do not practice autosuggestion shortly after eating, and to get
its best results, you must lead a temperate life. Dreams, a great
many of which are caused by eating too heavily before retiring,
will interfere with peaceful mental action during your hours of
sleep. You must get your body into good shape before you can
expect to get the maximum results from autosuggestion. For,
remember, good thinking and bad digestion cannot go together. All
physiologists agree on this,some going so far as to say that we
should not read while eating. This is obvious and self-evident to
anybody who will give the matter the least attention. Later
lessons tell you how to build up your physical self.
These exercises may appear very simple, but they are very
important to the man or woman who desires development along any
lines. Give them a fair trial and be convinced.
Also treat yourself while awake. Look at a bright light or spot
at the same time giving yourself other suggestions. It is not
advisable to put yourself asleep by this method. Consult an
expert hypnotist if you desire to be hypnotized.
Your will and memory can be strengthened wonderfully by gazing
at a bright light steadily and giving yourself suggestions that
your willpower will be stronger and your memory better. Try this
method and the result will mystify you. You must always keep your
kidneys and bowels in a normal, healthy condition in order to
cultivate your mind. this is very important.
Always give yourself suggestions of success, happiness and
health. Great disease producers are mental worry and strain and
lack of exercise.
Dr. John Duncan Quackenbos, one of the greatest, if not the
greatest, hypnosuggestionists in the United States, writes of
autosuggestion in his inimitable style:
"Endless lines of self-improvement open to the
self-suggestionist who would ennoble and beautify his life. There
are habits to disroot, expensive, unnecessary, soul destroying
habits. There are evil passions to break down. There are tongues
to make clean and to tie. There are thoughts to make chaste, and
lives to make white. There is a clinch of crime to break. The
voice of remorse to instill. After the uplift that such self
treatment implies, the self-inspired man may go forth to his tasks
without room in his consciousness for any impulse that smirches or
a thought form that beckons to compromising action.
Have any lost their reckoning and are drifting aimlessly on
life's unquiet sea? Has the chill of disappointment blighted your
interest in wholesome activities, or the darkness of despair
wrapped you in moral melancholia? Do you lack the resignation
that knows how to give up, but never to give in? You have your
remedy. The opportunity is at hand, the obligation to embrace
that opportunity is inseparable from it. You dare not admit
disqualification, self-created or abjectly imposed, in the face of
opportunity to be better, or to be wiser, to be happier, to be
more godlike. Through autosuggestion, a simple means for simple
men, each one of us may realize his own oversoul and its
relationship to Deity and destiny."
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